2 or more Shows

With the recent update to the HHN website, not much more was given than a partial reveal of the theme. However, the meta description in the code of the website did mention "Live Shows." We know B&T will be returning but what else will there be?

HHN being in the 21st year, the current theme , and Brian Brushwood's calendar blocked out for an amusement park event you'd assume it couldn't get any easier to figure out.  I emailed Brian yet again to make sure he wasn't holding out any information and to see if he was able to comment. 

Brian responded that although he loves working HHN he's unfortunately not returning this year. Sadface.


So the question remains. What show(s) will take place this year?

Chad Burton

Hello, My name is Chad and I run HHNRumors. I'm a self described super fan of all things HHN. I've managed some high profile theme park blogs in the past, even been on the news for breaking stories. Yet, none of it compared to some fresh HHN Rumors.