Today we have received the first official sign of HHN construction happening at Universal Orlando. Earlier this morning permits were posted on the City of Orlando website indicating construction has started on at least 4 of the 10 locations for haunted houses. So far we’ve seen permits for ST1, ST2, B108, and Tent 3. The permits were uncovered by Permit Bot on twitter, a tool created by yours truly, for our sister site Even though the permits started popping up online, construction has been under way for some time. If I’m not mistaken, companies have around 30 days on either side of the file date to start the construction. It’s pretty loose. Since construction is surely valued at more than $2,500.00, the next step for these permits is a Notice of Commencement or “NOC” as they like to call them. Once those are filed and inspections are done, they are then updated online. We sometimes get thrown a bone and possible scene names are leaked in the supporting documents for the inspections. If we are really lucky they’ll mention the code name for the house.
Over the past few years, in an effort to play down the leaks by the City of Orlando, Universal’s own Art & Design team has begun teasing and releasing the code names on various social outlets. Somewhat takes the fun out of it, but I’ll take the info either way.
Here are the permits that have been posted so far:
We look forward to seeing the remaining permits pop up online. Be sure to follow our Twitter (@HHNRumors) to keep up with the latest in HHN news!
Halloween Horror Nights 2019 begins on September 6 and runs through November 2. Tickets are currently on sale. For more official HHN information, be sure to check out the official HHN website: