New ticket options get prices

Clearly the Frequent Fear options are huge money savers! For all the frugal people out there here is the break down!

FREQUENT FEAR PLUS PASS WITH EXPRESS ACCESS -$224.98 (Annual Passholder) – 19 nights ($11.84/Night*)
FREQUENT FEAR PLUS PASS WITH EXPRESS ACCESS – $239.98 (Without Pass) – 19 nights ($12.63/Night*)

FREQUENT FEAR PASS WITH EXPRESS ACCESS – $139.98 (Annual Passholder)- 14 nights ($10.00/Night*)
FREQUENT FEAR PASS WITH EXPRESS ACCESS – $154.98 (Without Pass) – 14 nights ($11.07/Night*)

FREQUENT FEAR PLUS PASS – $74.99 (Annual Passholder) – 19 Nights ($3.95/Night*)
FREQUENT FEAR PLUS PASS – $89.99 (Without Pass) – 19 Nights ($4.74/Night*

FREQUENT FEAR PASS – $59.99 (Annual Passholder) – 14 Nights ($4.29/Night*)
FREQUENT FEAR PASS – $74.99 (Without Pass) – 14 Nights ($5.37/Night*)

 *Before taxes and fees. Prices are subject to change.

Also keep in mind, when purchasing your tickets, a one night express pass can range from $39.99 – $79.99.

Chad Burton

Chad Burton

Hello, My name is Chad and I run HHNRumors. I'm a self described super fan of all things HHN. I've managed some high profile theme park blogs in the past, even been on the news for breaking stories. Yet, none of it compared to some fresh HHN Rumors.