And we are…..

Well, this is going to be a fun post!
HHNRumors started as a small blog that I used to keep track of the
latest HHN gossip. With the help of many it has somehow turned into one
of the leading HHN news sites 😛 (No complaints there).
As I'm sure many of you have noticed, the HHNRumors blog has been pretty silent as of late. We aren't gone! We've just been heavily working on our new project, ParkRumors.com.
I went from tirelessly googling and searching various government sources to eventually searching my own forum for the latest HHN news! The forums have become a tremendous asset to the HHN community and have played a huge part in HHNRumors' success.  
So what does ParkRumors.com have to do with HHNRumors.com?
In short, everything! While searching those government sites for HHN stuff, I often passed up scoops on stories that were quite awesome and didn't really fit the theme of HHNRumors. Sometimes they'd get posted on the front page (Project 722) and other times I'd pass them off to other websites. With haunt season just a few months out of the year and a site themed to only one event, how was I to expand? 
So how does this change things at HHNRumors? 
The forums will remain as is! The blog will/has moved to ParkRumors.com so you can get all the latest news one website! Don't want to read all that other crap?!? Then skip it and go directly to the HHN section of ParkRumors – http://parkrumors.com/category/hhn/ we will still carry all of the latest HHN news, trust me! 
But I want a forum for everything, not just HHN!
Perfect! ParkRumors.com has just opened their forum, it covers much more! It has new staff and even has "The Economy" to keep things honest. Don't get it? Go check it out!
Will I still be able to get a HHNRumors shirt?
Yes and no. ParkRumors will (soon) have a shirt which can be purchased year round and will feature a seasonal HHN shirt. (Also, I hear they are doing a HHNRumors shirt giveaway this week)
Now what?!?
We aren't slowing down, we are only growing stronger! Wish us luck!
Also, be sure to download the free ParkRumors Android app!
Chad Burton

Chad Burton

Hello, My name is Chad and I run HHNRumors. I'm a self described super fan of all things HHN. I've managed some high profile theme park blogs in the past, even been on the news for breaking stories. Yet, none of it compared to some fresh HHN Rumors.