ZOMBIE CONTAINMENT UNIT 15 – Howl-O-Scream laser hunting experience

ZCU15 Howl-O-Scream 2014

So I got this email from Busch Gardens today about this new experience they are offering their guests at this years Howl-O-Scream. I’ll have to admit, it sounded fun!

Three years after the undead invasion, there has been a containment failure in Zombie Containment Unit 15. Zombies have escaped in search of flesh, and Howl-O-Scream guests are the next target. Armed with only a Z.E.D. (Zombie Eradication Device), it’s up to them to hold off an undead mob in this interactive zombie laser-hunting experience.

Am I reading this right? Laser tag zombies?!? Epic win. I’m hoping this isn’t one of those things that looks good on paper but is an operations nightmare in real life. All things considered, it looks like I’m going to go hunting!

Zombie Containment Unit 15 is included with Howl-O-Scream admission, and no reservations are required. Freaky Preview returns this year with Howl-O-Scream 2014’s opening weekend on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 26 and 27.  The event then runs Thursday through Saturday nights, Oct. 2-Nov. 1. Howl-O-Scream will also be open on Sunday, Oct. 19.  Operating hours are 7:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. for all event nights.

Check out the Howl-O-Scream website for more details

Chad Burton

Chad Burton

Hello, My name is Chad and I run HHNRumors. I'm a self described super fan of all things HHN. I've managed some high profile theme park blogs in the past, even been on the news for breaking stories. Yet, none of it compared to some fresh HHN Rumors.