We’re back in business
I’m sure you thought you’d never see this page change again. However the rumors keep haunting me. Those who know me personally know that lately I haven’t had much time to devote to my web projects. A 2 year old can do that to you. That being said, after 2 years, I’ve finally got a bit of time to rebuild the site and keep the rumors going! The forums aren’t going to be far behind, so look out for that in the near future.
Disclaimer: I haven’t been reading speculation so sourcing these rumors is difficult. (Feel free to help in the comments below)
So today brings us some things to discuss, these rumors have been making their way to me in all forms: IMs, emails, even a few text messages. They all seem to point to the same few things
- One Park
- 8 Houses (Where? Your guess is as good as mine)
- Lots of IPs (Intellectual Properties)
- American Werewolf in London (AWIL)
- Resident Evil
- American Horror Story
- The Walking Dead (Season 2-3 please)
- And a few others
So, not much substance yet. Remember these are all rumors. Rumors that are likely someones wish for the event. You know, not confirmed… Remember, it’s only April!
One Park
Fancy new rides can do that to ya. Despite the event completely outgrowing USF, there is absolutely no way marketing could pass up letting guests ride the soon to be open Transformers ride. Yes, I get that the ride could easily be open with two parks, however unlike us die-hard super fans a good amount of people go to the park and ride the rides during HHN. Remember, they’ll be plastering billboards and having commercials air all the time with Transformers, that is likely to be a focal point for this year. Priorities! They’ll have an easy time catering to those guests by keeping this in one park.
The AWIL movie is a bit dated for the core audience (1981) but was also one of the big movies for Universal horror. Considering that they’ve pretty much done all of their classic monsters, you could say this was bound to happen eventually. If you haven’t seen the movie, I suggest doing so, this could easily make a great house.
Resident Evil
I know there are a ton of kids that love the franchise. I’ve played the games back in the day but haven’t kept up with it in some time. After a successful run with Silent Hill, I can see this happening this year. The IP covers a good bit of the target audience and can also fit right in with pretty much any HHN theme they could come up with.
American Horror Story
This one I can’t really speak for, I know little about it. I’ll blame that on me though. I’ve only heard good things. I’ll eventually catch up, so feel free to yell at me in the comments.
The Walking Dead
This was clearly a fan favorite last year. I was still new to the show when I experienced it last year. However, it has since become one of my favorite shows. There is so much untouched content they could easily do this again. Prison anyone?
8 Houses
Last year obviously wasn’t what A&D wanted as far as house count. Although everything went well, you could easily see the missing queue made its way to the streets in the form of crowds with nowhere to go. My guess is that with TNA gone, we gain another soundstage house and end up with a messy queue.
So there ya have it. Be sure to keep up with the latest HHN info and speculation on our newly opened HHN 23 forum!